Paying for your treatment? Why going private could help you and also help others.
First things first, let's get one thing straight. I am and always have been a proud supporter of the NHS. I remember as a medical student whilst visiting South America as part of my training the envy that the rest of the world had for our public healthcare system.
The NHS does a great job of looking after people who need urgent care, and most people will have experience of being able to access this care throughout their lives. Indeed during the pandemic the NHS although under great pressure performed admirably.
But as I’m sure you are aware, the pressure now on planned care for less “urgent” conditions is huge. Waiting lists for non-urgent surgery such as joint replacements or keyhole knee surgery are over 12 months and in some places even longer!
So what are your options if you’re suffering from knee arthritis, a torn cartilage, or if you’ve suffered a knee injury? Who makes the choices about when you see a specialist? Who do you see about your knee problem? Where you are seen? And, perhaps most importantly, what treatments are available to you?
For most people the answers to these questions are limited. The NHS will provide you with treatment but you may be limited in your choices of who you see when you can actually get an appointment and perhaps crucially what treatments the NHS is able to offer.
The system may appear designed to frustrate but the NHS is trying to balance its resources such as theatre time and clinic slots with specialists. This is why many people are waiting months and months even for basic tests and a diagnosis. When you finally do see a specialist and get a diagnosis, your treatment options might still be limited. For example, there are many advances in non-surgical or “orthobiologic” treatments that are proving very successful in helping people manage their arthritis pain, but all you’ll be offered in an NHS clinic is a steroid injection or a knee replacement.

Going private. What are the benefits?
Paying for your own treatment or using your health insurance means you can bypass the long wait for appointments and specialist tests such as MRI scans. If you’re funding your own treatment you won’t even need a GP referral, you can arrange an appointment with your specialist directly, usually within days (rather than months) !
Who you see is controlled by you too. You won’t be seen by a junior doctor , a physio or a nurse specialist, you will see your consultant on your first visit and at every follow-up appointment. Your care will not only be led by your consultant but will be provided by them every step of the way.
Tests such as X-rays and MRI scans can be organised within days and you’ll have your results, your diagnosis and your treatment plan in place within a week.
Tests such as X-rays and MRI scans can be organised within days and you’ll have your results, your diagnosis and your treatment plan in place within a week.
Early diagnosis of some conditions can mean that you have more options when it comes to treatment. For example specialist regenerative orthobiologic treatments can slow down the progress of conditions like arthritis and can delay or help avoid major surgery in some cases.
If you do need surgery then again you won’t be waiting long for your operation , you can book in at a convenient time, but perhaps more importantly you will have more options when it comes to treatments that we can offer, for example, specialist 3-D planning for knee replacement surgery, newer implants and techniques that are not available on the NHS.
When , Where, Who and What?
So, to simplify things, funding your own treatment has many advantages but can be summarised by answering these four important questions.
When you are seen and treated.
Where you have your treatment
Who you see for your treatment
What treatment choices are available to you.

How does this help others?
Well the simple answer is that by “going private” it will take some of the pressure off the NHS services. Not only will you get your treatment quickly (this can mean that you don’t need repeat prescriptions for pain-killers and appointments with physiotherapists and your GP) by choosing to use the private sector you will “free-up” capacity in your local NHS system so someone else will be able to get the treatment they need. It really is a win-win situation for everyone.
How do I access private healthcare?
Simply, there are 2 options:
- Self-pay - Paying directly as and when you require treatment (more and more people are choosing this option as it gives them more freedom than paying for health insurance. We are able to offer more treatment options to patients who fund their own treatment.
- Health insurance - Many people choose this option (or have insurance paid for by their employer). It will give you access to a specialist quickly, but your choices may be limited by your insurer.
All you need to do is contact our team directly and we will be able to guide you through the process and support you all the way.